Tuesday, October 26, 2021


“Housing is the only known cure for homelessness). 
Shelters are a way station until the client either leaves 
or gets into housing.” QUOTE Daniel McDonald


Saturday, October 16, 2021





Hartford Rescue Mission (HRM )exists to offer help, hope and the life changing message of God’s love in Jesus Christ to the homeless and needy of Central Connecticut.

Through volunteers and generous contributions of area churches, businesses, community groups, and individuals HRM provides services to the homeless and needy of Central CT by providing meals, clothing and fellowship as well as addressing spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental wholeness through the power of Jesus Christ.


Hartford Rescue Mission is dedicated to the building up of God’s Kingdom on earth. Through the continued focus on meeting the needs of the poor and the homeless HRM will strive to:

  • Help people know the saving grace of Jesus, and through Him, gain wisdom for living through the preaching, teaching and spreading of His Gospel.
  • follow God’s command to love our neighbor as ourselves by offering a nightly gospel or devotional message, nutritious meals, a clothing bank and life skills training to all who come to the Mission. Additionally, HRM’s medium term vision is to provide lodging and fellowship for homeless men; HRM’s longer term vision also includes providing these services for women and children.
  • “Celebrate Recovery” services for the lost and broken suffering from destructive “hurts, habits and hang-ups”. This will be a once a week meeting to include a meal and facilitated group discussion in a non-judgmental atmosphere.
  • to be exemplary in all that we do with clients, employees, volunteers and donors.
  • Do unto others, as we would have them do unto you.


  • To preach the gospel to all attending the mission.
  • To provide food for the hungry, clothes for the poor, and shelter for the homeless (including assistance in locating residences)/
  • To provide discipleship for those searching.
  • To be scripturally based in all we do.
  • To help people become more mature in Jesus and good citizens in the community.

God’s Will.  His Work.  Our Hands.


